Live Well Hand Therapy assists people who:
- Suffer from arthritis.
- Sustained hand injuries playing sport
- Have a fracture of the upper limb
- Require splinting - soft or thermoplastic
- Suffer nerve impingement or damage including brachial plexus injuries, carpel tunnel
- Require rehabilitation after tendon repair and other surgical procedures
- Have over-use injuries (tenosynovitis) such as deQuervains
- Need assistance to reduce scar tissue build-up after surgery/trauma
- Sustained hand injuries playing sport
- Have a fracture of the upper limb
- Require splinting - soft or thermoplastic
- Suffer nerve impingement or damage including brachial plexus injuries, carpel tunnel
- Require rehabilitation after tendon repair and other surgical procedures
- Have over-use injuries (tenosynovitis) such as deQuervains
- Need assistance to reduce scar tissue build-up after surgery/trauma
Therapy includes:
- Joint range of motion and muscle strengthening exercise program prescription
- Splinting – both soft and thermoplastic, static & dynamic
- Odema (swelling) management strategies
- Pain management strategies
- Sensory assessment and intervention
- Guidance on being able to attend to your day to day life to the best of your ability whilst living with an upper limb issue
- Splinting – both soft and thermoplastic, static & dynamic
- Odema (swelling) management strategies
- Pain management strategies
- Sensory assessment and intervention
- Guidance on being able to attend to your day to day life to the best of your ability whilst living with an upper limb issue
Where a fracture or tendon injury is suspected, radiology tests (x-ray, CT scan, Ultrasound etc) are recommended to be completed. Please bring a copy of the reports to your initial consultation by Live Well OT.
What to expect:
At the first consultation, a detailed assessment of your presenting condition will be completed. This may include assessment of your movement, sensation, pain and strength. Information including your medical history, social history, employment and other life demands will be discussed in order to tailor a therapy plan to suit your needs.
A report will be sent to your GP after the first consulation, throughout (if receiving complex ongoing therapy) as well as at discharge in order to keep them informed of your progress - this helps to ensure you receive the best care by your health team.
A report will be sent to your GP after the first consulation, throughout (if receiving complex ongoing therapy) as well as at discharge in order to keep them informed of your progress - this helps to ensure you receive the best care by your health team.
Group education sessions are available by the Live Well OT Hand Therapy team - please contact Alison to discuss further.

Live Well OT has experience with treating clients:
- Post fractures (fingers, hand, wrist, forearm)
- Ligament injuries such as Mallet finger, Skiiers thumb
- Finger dislocations
- Post tendon repair - flexor and extensor
- Carpel fractures and post surgical removal
- Post joint fusion (arthrodesis)
- Post joint replacement (arthroplasty)
- Nerve damage - Brachial Plexus, Radial nerve palsy
- After replantation of digits
- Burns
- Over use injuries (Tenosynovitis) such as DeQuervains
- Post surgical repair of Dupuytrens Disease
- Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- Post fractures (fingers, hand, wrist, forearm)
- Ligament injuries such as Mallet finger, Skiiers thumb
- Finger dislocations
- Post tendon repair - flexor and extensor
- Carpel fractures and post surgical removal
- Post joint fusion (arthrodesis)
- Post joint replacement (arthroplasty)
- Nerve damage - Brachial Plexus, Radial nerve palsy
- After replantation of digits
- Burns
- Over use injuries (Tenosynovitis) such as DeQuervains
- Post surgical repair of Dupuytrens Disease
- Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)